Wednesday 26 September 2012

Great weather for photographs.

The weather is warming up, although the nights are still very cool.  With warmer days, there's plenty more critters around, and the flowers are amazing.  Because of the long wet, cool winter the garden is ablaze with colour, and the flowers are lasting longer because of the cool nights.  Today I got some images of an Australian Admiral Butterfly, and I've never seen one of these in the garden before.  It was feeding on the Diosma, which is so covered in flowers you can hardly see the leaves.  Only one allowed on Blip of course, so here are the best of the rest.

Yesterday I took some images of a paper wasp - risked life and limb I may add, but escaped without being stung.  I posted the best on Blip, and the only reason I am posting another one here is because the wings look great in this one.  You can also see why fashion refers to a wasp waist.  Anyway I destroyed the nest, which was only 3 cells at this point, and I've been checking throughout today, and the wasps haven't come back.

And finally, another one from the front garden - just to sweeten things up a little.


  1. I have just planted a Buddleia in my garden as I have heard that butterflies are attracted to the flowers. These butterfly shots are really beautiful and he seems very happy with your Diosma.

    1. That's great, Joanne. As it happens I put one in last week as well. It was a freebie from Diggers in Melbourne. That Diosma attracts all sorts of critters I am beginning to find.
