Friday 21 September 2012

This is for Wayne

I think Wayne was a bit disappointed today when he realised that the wouldn't be home in time to see the tulips.  The yellow ones (home of the flower spider) are just about finished now.  Talking about the flower spider, I got quite a good image of him a couple of days ago, which didn't make the cut for Blip, and boy has he put on weight.  I reckon he's three times the size he was when I first blipped him.  I actually saw him stalk and catch a fly the other day.  The fly was easily twice his size but he didn't hesitate.  It was all over in a nano-second  I got a couple of images but they're not good enough to be shown here or anywhere else. This one I took yesterday isn't too bad though.

The front garden is really a show stopper right now.  I see people stop and look at it all the time.  It's a riot of colour as you will see.

And finally, here's a tulip image - it's the edge of a white fringed tulip.  The tulip looks like it was shot in black and white, but it's not.  It's a colour shot, that happens to be black and white.  You wouldn't know what it was unless I told you. Oh, and a cherry blossom - this is taken closeup with the wide angle lens.


  1. Your garden as always looks wonder people stop and admire! :) PS HATE the spider!

    1. That spider is barely visible to the eye, and he lives in one of the tulip flowers. He's only be 3mm long at most. Thanks for the compliment.

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