Sunday 23 September 2012

Belair National Park

I was up at the Park again yesterday, photo opportunities like you wouldn't believe.  Even a slightly grumpy koala bear.  But the bird images were the best.  Here's is the Blip I chose. We only get 2 of the 8 varieties of Rosella in SA, and this is one of them, and I think the most elegant.  I didn't bother to do too much in the way of flowers, because you really have to hike down the trails to get to the best ones.  Anyway here are a few images that didn't get Blipped, starting off with the koala, followed by a terrific raven shot, and a coot, and another Noisy Miner.  I chose the coot because his feet fascinate me.  And the raven, he's saying, Don't you point that thing at me!!


  1. They are great photos and I love the look on the raven's face, he's not impressed at all, is he!

  2. Thanks for the comment Joanne. I think it's called a glare :)
