Saturday 13 October 2012

Belair Park

Today we went for a walk around the lake at the Belair National Park.  An enormous amount of "stuff" as usual, and far too many photos to choose from.  I got this really cute image of a turtle which I liked a lot.

The funny thing is that although I've visited that lake numerous times, I've never noticed turtles before - and today we saw more than a dozen.

And here is the second portrait of a raven.  Black birds are not the easiest to photograph, and these ravens were in a terrible state about something.  There were quite as few people, including some rather noisy and disruptive children - so maybe the birds thought their nest was under attack or something.
Wayne saw a koala, which is his choice for a blip today - I mean what else could you choose!  It's such a treat to see this cuddly little creature in the wild, and even though they are quite common they are still very nice to see.

And finally here's a nice image of an Australian Wood Duck, complete with reflection.


  1. I have had Australian Wood Ducks visiting my swimming pool on and off for a couple of years now. I love their personalities and the way the male "talks" directly to me! The female you have here is so pretty. All of the females seem to have eye shadow around their eyes and are far daintier than the drakes. You have three wonderful photos here today, thank you for sharing. :)

  2. It is a nice surprise discovering your blog. I will definitely come back regularly to enjoy the wonderful wildlife in Adelaide. Greetings from Hong Kong.

    1. Thanks I have many bird images to,post - so watch this space!

  3. Beautiful images, lovely sharp and clear.
